Monday, April 16, 2007

Out to Sea

To celebrate my NSERC scholarship I decided to do some boggy boarding out at Woolamai surf beach on Phillip Island. Despite trying to exercise good common-sense (which, frankly, I don't always try to exercise) I managed to get myself carried out to sea by a nasty rift. I DO NOT recommended finding yourself 400m from land with the realization that you have ZERO change of swimming back to shore. I tried swimming parallel to shore in order to move out of the rift, but much to my dismay I didn't have the strength to do it. Realizing I wasn’t going to get out of this mess by myself, my thoughts turned to how cool it would be when a helicopter came to my rescue. This calmed me down enough to bring my focus to the irony of “death from celebration”. It is at this point that "HELP!" started screaming forth from my mouth. Fortunately, a few surfers on the shore realized I was in trouble and started to come to my aid. Rejuvenated by the realization I wasn't going to die and thanks to a favourable change in current, I eventually managed to make my own was back to shore with no real damage apart from a bruised ego.


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