Sunday, November 19, 2006

WUCC 2006

After spending the last few days observing the World Ultimate Club Championships (WUCC) I am itching to play Ultimate. Where are Swingers and FaceBlock when you need them?

The Japanese squads put up an impressive showing. They took the top three spots in the women’s division and first in both the open and masters. Their dominance was only halted in the mixed division where Canada (Fisher Price) came out on top. Camelot placed 17 of 40 teams. A good showing given our beloved Salix was relegated to the sidelines due to injury.

Check out all the action at WUCC 2006.

Bicentennial Tree (Warren National Park, WA)

Bravery is NOT the needless risking of ones own well-being. Nor is a needless risk necessarily an act of stupidity.

It is out twelfth day on the road. We have covered over 4000Km. Today marks the first day of real rain. It pours, but only in spurts. Strong, gusting wind faithfully accompanies each of these downpours.

Usually I can embrace the rain, but as I stare up the 75m comprising the Bicentennial Tree I find it most unwelcomed. Although the rain and wind do not dampen the radiance of this Karri tree, the sign at its base announces in bold white letters that “climbing in rainy or windy conditions is extremely dangerous.”

Stranding at the base of this beast of a beauty I take stalk of my predicament. Should I adhere to the sign’s wisdom or climb the seemingly thousands of slippery iron rods that constitute a spiral staircase to the tree’s lookout. There is no real choice. I step upon the first of the iron rods. Today I am a traveler.